Wilford Cherry
Tuesday afternoon Paris Police arrested Wilford Cherry, 52, in the 1700 block of NE 10th in regards to him having an outstanding warrant for sexual assault of a child. Cherry also had additional felony warrants out of McCurtain County Oklahoma for a Bond Surrender and Motion to Revoke Probation. The sexual assault warrant stemmed from a case reported in April 2017 where he allegedly engaged in sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 17.
Tuesday evening officers responded to the 300 block of NE 14th in regards to a vehicle theft complaint. An unknown suspect had taken a maroon 2005 Chevrolet pick-up from that location.
Paris Police received a call from Gladewater Police Department that a firearm stolen from their city was in the 1400 block of Clarksville at Paris. Officers recovered the stolen gun at that location.
Paris Police responded to 76 calls for service and arrested three people over the past 24 hours ending at 6:00 am Wednesday (Nov 29).