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Canton Tornadoes – How You Can Help



Numerous organizations are mobilizing to assist victims of the East Texas severe weather over the weekend.  The Red Cross accepts donations on line, and perhaps the easiest way to donate is by text message on your cell phone. Text  REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10. The donation will be added to your phone bill or deducted from your balance. The Salvation Army will also accept donations online or you can call 800 – SAL-ARMY to donate by phone. Texas Baptist Men have crews on the way. They also take online donations or you can donate by phone to (214) 275-1114. Many other national, state and local churches and civic organizations are also organizing fund raising and relief efforts.

Also Bikers for Christ, Paris Independent Bikers, Gypsy, and CMA will continue their supply drive for those in need in Canton…Again today at 5:30pm to 7pm at Saving Grace & Paris Biker Church 901 19th St NW. Needed items include: water, canned goods, baby wipes, cleaning supplies, toothpaste, toothbrushes, 5 gallon buckets.