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Cross-Town Food Drive




The superintendents of Paris ISD and North Lamar ISD, Paul Jones, and John McCullough have once again joined forces in a competitive food drive. Last year’s final tally was Paris 19,300, North Lamar 15,727, which generated over 875 food boxes for the Kiwanis Club to distribute in Lamar County. Families in need can access the food boxes through the Salvation Army.

The contest between the two school districts begins at the campus level on Monday (Oct 31). Canned goods and other nonperishable items are requested from students, district employees, and the general public.

It ends on Friday (Nov 4) at the Cross-Town Showdown in RL Maddox Stadium. The winner will be announced at halftime and the victor receives a unique trophy, compliments of Lamar Electric and the Kiwanis Club Community Services Committee, co-chaired by Rudy Kessel and Robert High.

Public Information Officers will spearhead the efforts of each district. For more information, contact Jeanne Kraft at 903-737-7473 or Carla Coleman at 903-737-2003.