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United Way Of Lamar County Hosting Poverty Simulation

July 10, 2024 @ 1:00 pm
Lewis Hall
Behind Paris Regional Health
Lamar County United Way

The United Way of Lamar County is hosting a Poverty Simulation on Wednesday, July 10, at 1:00 pm in Lewis Hall, located behind Paris Regional Health.  The event is free and open to the public, but all participants must register.

The One-and-a-half hour Poverty Simulation is an eye-opening and interactive experience that vividly portrays poverty’s lived realities and human impact.  Executive Director Jenny Wilson states, “Participants will deepen their understanding of the challenges those living in poverty face.  When we have insight into the chaos and crisis that poverty can create, we can have more empathy and tailor our behavior, speech, and approaches to achieve better outcomes.” This simulation will leave you with a profound sense of empathy and understanding.

More than 40% of US households struggle to afford essential needs, pushing them to make difficult decisions and take significant daily risks. Participants in the Poverty Simulation will experience this as they navigate transportation costs, childcare, rent, utilities, groceries, and unexpected expenses on a limited income.

To register as a participant or as a volunteer, call the United Way office at 903-784-6642 or email jenny.wilson@lamarcountyuw.org.  We are in need of volunteers who have gone through the poverty simulation before. Your experience and understanding are crucial to the success of this event.