Paris Police Department Accepting Applications For Academy
The Paris Police Department is proud to announce the scheduling of the NINTH Citizens Police Academy. Class 2016-9 will begin on Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM on September 13. Classes are in the EOC/Training Room at the police station meeting on Tuesday nights at 6:00 pm and are usually concluded by 9:00 pm. The academy includes ten weekly class nights including a graduation ceremony. The police department firing range demonstrations occurs one Saturday for students.
The program provides insight to the public on the operations of the department. Instruction is provided primarily by officers and employees of the department. Local prosecutors and judges also make presentations regarding their part of the criminal justice system. Class topics include Uniform Patrol Operations, Criminal Investigation, DWI Enforcement, Communications, Crime Prevention, SWAT, Community Policing and many other aspects of the department operations.
Chief Bob Hundley remarked that since the start of this program in 2009, a little over 225 citizens had taken advantage of the class.
“The first year we started this program we scheduled two academies. After the initial start-up, we decided to offer one class every September. This program fosters better relations with the citizens we serve and allows them to see what real police work is and more importantly what it isn’t. Upon graduation, students can join the CPA Alumni Association. This association has a volunteer program, Citizens on Patrol, which after additional training assists the department in traffic control, attendance at special events and volunteer patrol activity. This association has provided support to the department since inception, and we are very proud of our C.O.P. volunteers.”
All applicants receive a criminal history check for program acceptance. All the candidates must be at least 18 years of age and class attire will be casual. For more information contact Officer Curtis Garrett at 903-737-4111. Applications are available at the Paris Police Department, 2910 Clarksville Street, or on the City’s website ( Click on the police department page and select the Citizen’s Police Academy page.