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Pittsburg-Camp Chamber

Pittsburg CofC 2

Happy Thursday!

Saturday (May 13) from 4:00 until 6:00 pm celebrate Firefighter David Abernathy’s 50 years of dedicated service to the City of Pittsburg and Camp County. There is a Brisket Dinner for $10, Children under five are free. It is at United Methodist Church, 115 Mount Pleasant Street.

Saturday (May 13) be at the Douglass Community Center from 8:00 pm until 1:00 am. The admission is $10.00 for a glass of wine and Door Prizes. Bring your mother and dance, dance, dance. I am grateful to those who are the keeper of the groove. The babies and the grandmas who hang on to it and help us remember when we forget that HERE any dancing is better than no dancing at all. (Lynda Barry, Cartoonist)

We are in the planning stages of this year’s Pioneer Days. We are adding a lot this year to make it better. This effort means we will need more volunteers than ever before, if you would like to help grow this into one of the major events in North East Texas, please contact Allen at the Chamber office 903-856-3442.

We are collecting applicants for Pioneer Peach Queen contest. If anyone knows of a young lady that would like to be a contestant for Pioneer Peach Queen, please contact James Wallace at [email protected]. The contestant must be a beginning senior for fall 2017. Deadline is Wednesday (May 31).

The Future Stars of America presents UNLOCK the BLOCK
Aiming to enhance and give back to the lives of all community members through a rewarding and fun filled block party event.
It is Saturday (May 20) at the Douglass Community Center, 408 Terry Street.

The Patrons will be at Jerry’s Bar & Grill Saturday (May 27) from 9:00 pm until 1:00 am for live music, drinks, and food! There is a $5.00 cover charge at the door.

A Night at the Casino Saturday (Jun 10) at Princedale Country Club with doors opening at 6:00 pm and event starting at 6:30 pm. Tickets are $25 per person. Come out and play some games of chance, win some prizes, enjoy an adult beverage and eat great food.

We are still looking for a trailer for a permanent home for the Queen float. It needs to be a hay trailer type. Keep an eye out or ask farmer and rancher friends. It’d be good if someone could donate one.

Exciting things are happening at Pittsburg Nursing Center, and we want to share some important news. Loyalty from our community like you has fueled continued growth, prompting the new owners of Pittsburg Nursing to build a brand new state of the art facility right here in our very own community.

The new facility will be located next to ETMC Pittsburg and include beautiful rooms with private baths or showers and the ever important feeling of home. Fine dining, quality care, and a highly-trained, friendly, local staff will be available during a patient’s stay at Pittsburg Nursing. The new building will also house a fully-equipped rehabilitation gym for treatment using the most advanced medical equipment.

“One of the best features in our community is that most of the staff, families, and residents are local to Pittsburg,” says Ashley Hong, Business Development. “There’s lots of longevity and loyalty in our community. We’re the only skilled nursing facility in Pittsburg. There won’t be a finer facility anywhere in the state of Texas.”

Please stay tuned for our groundbreaking celebration in 2017. To meet our groundbreaking goal, Pittsburg Nursing Center is in the process of a huge census push, and your support is much appreciated.

Be sure to check the Chamber website for more things going on in the area

Have a Great weekend!

Allen Weatherford
Camp County Chamber of Commerce