The Texarkana USA Chamber of Commerce participates each quarter in a cost of living survey by the Council for Community and Economic Research. This study is a comparison guide for individual and business relocations. Furthermore, prospective businesses use the guide in their site selection process.
Among the 265 urban areas participating in the first quarter 2017 Cost of Living Index, the after-tax cost for a professional/managerial standard of living ranged from more than twice the national average in New York (Manhattan) NY to more than 20 percent below the national average in McAllen, TX. The Cost of Living Index is published quarterly by C2ER – The Council for Community and Economic Research.
The Cost of Living Index measures regional differences in the cost of consumer goods and services, excluding taxes and non-consumer expenditures, for professional and managerial
households in the top income quintile. More than 90,000 prices are covering 60 different items for which prices are collected quarterly by chambers of commerce, economic
development organizations, and university applied economic centers in each participating urban area. Do not interpret small differences as showing a measurable difference. Six component categories – housing, utilities, grocery items, transportation, healthcare, and miscellaneous goods and services compose the index.
The Texarkana USA Chamber of Commerce conducts the quarterly survey as part of their economic development office. The local Chamber represents over 850 businesses, organizations and professionals in the region encompassing Bowie County, Texas, and Miller County, Arkansas. For additional information on being a member of the Chamber,
the economic development programs and visitor information, you may contact the Chamber at 903-792-7191, [email protected] or 819 N. State Line Avenue, Texarkana, TX 75501.