Jarvis Christian College to break ground on residence halls
Hawkins, TX – The Jarvis Christian College campus soon will be alive with the sound of new construction. Local dignitaries have been invited to join College President Dr. Lester C. Newman at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, August 18, 2016, to break ground for the construction of three new residence halls and the renovation of two existing buildings.
The community is abuzz with the excitement of the Campus Master Plan projects. Each of three two-story buildings will include a one-bedroom apartment for faculty, 64 single suites for students, computer bars on each floor, and shared meeting and lounge areas. Each residence hall will have a theme and students will be assigned by major and interest. Faculty living in the residence halls will facilitate an actual living and learn environment. The new construction is expected to be completed by fall 2017.
A concurrent renovation project will transform Hurdle and Waddleton Halls. We are also anticipating the renewal of Carey Hall, should there be remaining funds. The renovation should be completed on or before the first of the new year.
Dr. Newman said, “The projects are expected to create a more vibrant campus community and also reflect the living and learning styles of the students. Our students come first, and we make every effort to make their experiences here at Jarvis pleasant, while at the same time bring economic growth to Wood County and East Texas. This project is just the beginning. There is much to do with our infrastructure. With your support, we will make it a reality.”