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Hopkins County Hospital District Screening Report


Hopkins County Hospital District / HCEMS                                             Sulphur Springs TX 75482

Brent Smith, COO / EMS Director                                                               DATE: 07/24/2020

903-438-4372                                                                                     TIME: 15:00

Updated Hopkins County Estimated Number of COVID-19 Screenings

From information gathered from most healthcare partners in Hopkins County for the past 131 days, the data is as follows:

Some private businesses and health facilities have used private organizations to screen their workers. Those numbers are not represented in this press release as they are not required to report the information to the Hospital District. TX-DSHS is the only one who receives their report.

Estimated number of screenings of COVID 19 sent off for definitive testing to either a Private Lab or Texas Department of State Health Services (TX-DSHS) are:

Cases that met testing requirements – 1602

Pending Lab Results – 73

Confirmed Negative Cases – 1394

Confirmed Positive Cases – 135

Confirmed Recovered* – 72 

*Recovered Cases are released under the CDC guidelines and a local physician authority. All guidance and information are at the websites listed at the bottom of this release.

No confirmed related deaths in Hopkins County due to COVID 19

The Hopkins County Local Health Authority (LHA), under appointment by the Hopkins County Commissioners Court, is working with the local cases in Hopkins County to ensure they follow procedures with the related cases.

If you have any questions about screening or guidance, please contact your local physician or 903-606-DOCS (3627). If you feel short of breath or have trouble breathing, please call 911.

Please continue to practice social distancing and proper handwashing to help slow this virus’s spread and process. Hopkins County Hospital District recommends to please stay informed by following CDC and DSHS websites and your local emergency management guidance.