May 7, 2024
City Hall 201 N. Davis St
7:00 pm
An Executive Session will be held at 6:00 pm by Texas Government
Code, Title 5, Chapter 551 – §551. 071, Consultation with Attorney;
and §551.087 Deliberations Regarding Economic Development – Thermo.
The regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs City Council will be at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. They will discuss the following items:
1. Reconvene.
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States, Texas Flag, and invocation.
3. Presentations, proclamations, and announcements.
4. The manager’s report will include a status report of capital improvements, municipal operations, accidents, and claims for the month, as well as a review of expenditures and revenues.
5. Discussion/action on Consent Agenda.
6. Discussion/action for public hearing and second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2854 for a rezoning request by Scott Hemby and Dale McMahan for property located at 1336 Azalea (Lot 2, Blk 215 5 1, Property ID Number R7330), 1340 Azalea (Lot 1, Blk 215 5 1 – Property ID Number R7329), and 491 S. Hillcrest (PT Lot 10, Blk. 215 5 1 – R7338), from Professional Office (PO) to Light Commercial (LC). The above-described lots went through a replat into one lot (Lot 1R) consisting of 1. 56 acres called the Hillcrest Comer Addition as part of the Highland Hills Addition.
7. Discussion/action for public hearing and second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2855 Special Use Permit Process.
8. Discussion/action for public hearing and second and final reading of Ordinance No. 2856 for Zoning Amendment Procedure and Reapplication Timeframe.
9. Discussion/action on the first reading of Ordinance No. 2857, which approves a project plan and financing plan for Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of Sulphur Springs, and provides an effective date.
10. Discussion/ action on Resolution No. 1422 directing publication of notice of intention to issue combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation and declaring intent to reimburse prior expenditures.
11. Discussion/action on Resolution No. 1423, approval of Financial Management Policy – Procurement.
12. Discussion/action on bid award for SIP 2024.
13. Discussion/action on authorizing the City Manager to execute and enter into a Nonprofit Services Agreement with Meal A Day.
14. Discussion/action on executive session item, if any.
15. Visitors and Public Forum.
16. Adjourn.
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board of City Hall, City of Sulphur Springs, Texas.