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Texas Rep. Cole Hefner Receives Appointments

Texas Rep. R-Cole Hefner – Mt Pleasant

Austin, TX – Yesterday, State Representative Cole Hefner, R-Mount Pleasant, was appointed to the House Committee on Ways & Means, the Committee on Public Education, and the Committee on Calendars. On these prominent committees, Representative Hefner will shape tax and revenue policy, lead on education and school finance issues, and have significant input on legislation heard on the House floor.

Representative Hefner stated: “I am eager to begin our important work on these three committees. As legislators, we have a tremendous opportunity before us. I look forward to working with my colleagues to protect the freedom of all Texans and to ensure that every student, parent, and teacher are served well.” State Representative Cole Hefner is serving his fourth term as the state representative for House District 5, which consists of part of Smith County and Camp, Rains, Titus, Upshur, and Wood counties.