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Paris High’s Pigskin Pigout


Pigskin Pigout, Wow! Here It Comes!

It is almost that time of year when we have out Pigskin Pig-Out! I can’t believe that a year has flown by so quickly. What fun we have and we enjoy seeing parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and all those that support our athletes. The Wildcats love seeing friends and family at all the functions, to help them.

This year the Pig Skin Event is slated to occur Saturday (Mar 3) at 4:30 in the afternoon. There will be no charge to attend. The Pigskin Pigout is an informal annual event where we honor our seventh through twelveth-grade football players.

It is also the only fundraiser for the High School Football Program. There are a lot of “needs” necessary to continue growing a winning program, and a lot of it is not within our budget.

We will have a silent and live auction which is always fun and entertaining. Lots of Sports Items will be available this year. Please come early and take the time to look at all the displayed items available. Plus time will give you a chance to decide on what you would like to bid. We really would love for people to bid on auction items and to donate to the football program. We need to reach a lofty goal for this year.

Plus—–There will be something special before and after the Pigskin Pigout.

Ford Lincoln company has a program called “Drive 4 UR School”. March the 3rd they will have every model of Ford Cars & Trucks in our parking lot at Paris High School. For every person that test drives a car of their choice around a designated area of the school, which will amount to a square block, Ford will donate $20.00 to athletics per each person that test drives a vehicle. You do not have to attend PigSkin Pigout, but you would be helping us this way, by test driving a car or truck. You have to be 18 and older with a drivers license.

Please consider this. It will take a few moments out of your day from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will be no sales pitch or trying to sell you something. Ford just wants you to see their vehicles and have a chance to drive one. Hey, test one before you come into Pigskin Pigout and one when you leave. I think this is a good thing.

Please put the date on your calendar for Saturday (Mar 3) at 4:30. I will be sending out more info during the next couple of weeks.

Kindest Regards,
The Athletic Staff of PISD