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Hopkins County Chamber



Hopkins County Chamber
December 15

Attention All Chamber Members, The Chamber is preparing ‘Membership Directories’ NOW!

Chamber Members, we are going to print a little earlier than usual for the 2017 Membership Directory. We are going to have it ready for distribution the first part of January, so we need you to do a few things.
1) Please go to www.sulphursprings-tx.com and click on the membership directory. Please check to make sure that we have the correct information for your business. We have been trying to check and recheck it, but I’m confident that we have overlooked some things.
2) If your membership investment is past due, you need to make payment arrangements before December 23.
3) If you find information that needs to be corrected, please call the Chamber at 903-885-6515. If you want to place an ad in the directory, please contact Lee Ann Peugh at Echo Publishing at 903-885-8663.

Would you like to recognize an Outstanding Educator?
Here is your chance. This year the Chamber of Commerce Education Committee wants to allow all Hopkins County Citizens to nominate their candidates for “Outstanding Professional Educator” (Administrator, Counselor, Diagnostician, or Teacher) “Outstanding Para-Professional Educator” (Secretary or Aide) and “Outstanding Auxiliary Educator” (Maintenance, Custodial, Transportation, Nurse or Cafeteria). We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to nominate that “special educator” that has had an impact on their lives. You may pick up a nomination form at the Chamber office at 300 Connally Street and then either fax, e-mail or mail it in, no later than December 31! Our fax number is 903-885-6516, our e-mail address is [email protected], and our mailing address is P.O. Box 347, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483. Don’t miss this opportunity to recognize a special educator!

Nominations for Large and Small Business of the Year!
Please submit your nomination for Large Business of the Year or Small Business of the Year. Nominations should be for those businesses which exhibit outstanding community involvement—civic, church, educational, benevolent, humanitarian or other. You may pick up a nomination form at the Chamber office at 300 Connally Street and either fax, e-mail or mail it in, no later than December 31st! Our fax number is 903-885-6516, our e-mail address is [email protected], and our mailing address is P.O. Box 347, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483.

Additional Chamber of Commerce Banquet Nominations
The Chamber of Commerce membership banquet, Saturday (Feb 18) presents many other awards. Aside from the awards mentioned above, there are the following nominations:
Citizen of the Year—Echo Publishing Company—401 Church Street, SS, TX 75482
Woman of the Year—Beta Sigma Phi Organization—P.O. Box 72, SS, TX 75483Caregiver of the Year—The Pilot Club—P.O. Box 131, Sulphur Springs, TX 75483
Community Pride Award—Adult Leadership Class—P.O. Box 347, SS, TX 75483
Agriculturist of the Year—Professional Ag Workers—c/o Agri-Life Extension, P.O. Box 518, SS TX 75483
Each of these nominations should be submitted in writing and mailed to the above address.

Senator Bob Hall will hold a Town Hall Meeting at City Hall on Thursday (Dec 15) at 4:30 pm. Senator Bob Hall will be holding a series of public town hall meetings throughout Senate District 2 to discuss the upcoming 85th Legislative Session and to answer constituent’s questions. He will be in Sulphur Springs at City Hall, 201 N. Davis Street, on Thursday (Dec 15) from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm.

Wesley United Methodist Church is hosting a Bake Sale on Saturday (Dec 17) from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The church is at 614 Bellview in Sulphur Springs. They will offer cakes, pies, cookies, candy, and even soups and casseroles! Make sure to stop by and grab something delicious!

Divorce Care held weekly at First United Methodist Church at 6:00 pm.
Divorce Care is a weekly seminar and support group that will help you heal from the hurt of divorce or separation. It’s a warm, caring environment led by people who understand what you are experiencing. You will learn practical information that will help you deal with the challenges of being divorced. Best of all, you will gain hope, healing, and help for your future. Divorce Care Meets every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 7:30 beginning on October 5 at the First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs in the Open Door Sunday School Classroom in the basement of the main building. There is childcare if needed. They will meet for 14 weeks. Contact information is Tom Young at [email protected], (903) 413-1673 or Debbie Young at [email protected]; (903) 243-1235.

Have a wonderful weekend!