Julia is the Activities Director at Heritage House and was nominated by one of the residents’ daughters for a Pay It Forward award. The criteria for a Pay it Forward is “Someone that goes above and beyond to help others without any expectations of anything in return” She has given her talent, treasure and time and we believe Julia has met and exceeded the criteria.
As the Activities director there, she has started a little store for the residents in which they earn store bucks by participating in various activities and then using the earned bucks to purchase items they want and need from the store. Most if not all of the items so far have come from her own pocket, so Mathews Auto Group Paid it Forward to her and the good work she is doing with an award of $500.00 to help her stock her store. Thank you, Julia, for doing for others what they can’t do for themselves. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and make our community a better place to live.