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Paris Pigskin Pigout and Minor Relays


Has anyone heard about the Pigskin Pigout? Well, let me tell you, we have a live auction and some great items coming up for auction. One item, in particular, is from Texas. Whoever bids on it and wins it, will be the first one to have it. I am telling you, you gotta come. You will kick yourself in the head when you find out.

Now the clues are in the message. Check and see tomorrow what other clues I have for you.

Thursday (Mar 23) is the Deon Minor Track Relay. Some of the action will start around 2:00 pm. Toyota is setting up and be ready to meet and greet. Please come and enjoy yourself. Employees (only) can get in with their badges. Senior citizens get in free. The entry fee is $2.00 for Students and $4.00 for adults. The concession stand is available, and the snow cone truck will be here. I am praying we will escape the rain. See at the relays.