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Paris Police Report For Tuesday (Jul 18)

Jeanette Hemphill

Monday morning at 11:42, officers worked a Civil Standby in the 3500 block of the NE Loop. Two individuals were in a room for which they had not paid. During the investigation, officers discovered Jeanette Hemphill, who identified herself as Jessica Hemphill, was Jeanette Hemphill, who had an outstanding warrant for Possession of a Controlled Substance out of the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office. They arrested Hemphill and placed her in jail.

At 7:11 Monday morning, officers worked a residential burglary in the 1300 block of Polk. Victims arrived home to a kicked-in back door and missing television sets, computers, gaming consoles, jewelry, and a brindle Chinese pug. Victims had been out of town for several days at a funeral. The burglary could have happened at any time during their absence.

A victim told officers in the 600 block of W. Provine that she didn’t receive her new Lone Star Government Food Card in the mail. However, she later found that the card was already in use. Someone had spent money in numerous locations. The victim thinks a family member is a suspect, as they would have had to possess the victim’s identifying information. Investigation is ongoing

Officers made seven traffic stops, arrested two adults, and answered 125 calls for service ending Monday (Jul 17).