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Sulphur Springs City Manager’s Report





CLAIMS – We did not have any workers’ compensation claims in March. We had two liability claims in March. One was for a sewer overflow. The other will likely become a lawsuit we will discuss in a future executive session.

SPRING CLEANUP – The annual spring cleanup will be April 24–29 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. It will be at the usual location ¼ mile east of Flowserve. It is open to city residents only. Bring your water bill and driver’s license. No chemicals, no wet paint, no batteries, no tires, no appliances with refrigerant, and it is your last chance to haul off fallen tree limbs until next year, so put it on your calendar. 

SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER –City staff has completed drainage improvements to the underground drainage system to accommodate runoff from the site. In addition, they have drilled the piers, and work on the foundation is in progress.

PACIFIC PARK – Construction of the basketball pavilion is underway. The piers have been drilled and poured. Work on the foundation is underway. We will demolish the old basketball courts and grade the park’s interior when the pavilion is complete. Then we will install irrigation and sod.

COLLEGE STREET – College Street is open down to Patton StreetWe have completed the sewer-main installation from Patton to Ramsey and are now installing the water main in the same segment. I expect the water-main installation to be completed (to Ramsey) in ten days. Once we complete improvements to Ramsey Street, we will continue to Como Street. After that, we will pause to turn our attention to Holiday Drive. 

REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES – Finance Director Lesa Smith will present the report on revenues and expenditures.

STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – Atmos has finished the gas main replacement project on Como Street and Ardis Street. Crews paved Ardis Street. Como Street is being cement stabilized now, and they will pave it next week. Expect a new SIP list in next month’s manager’s report.

2022 SIP
Street  Between  Length 
Jackson  Middle to College  2480
Kasie  Tate to Camp  681
Lee  Davis to League  3099
Fore  Main to Connally  1070
Forrest Ln  Bell to Barbara  1119
Garrison  Main to Connally  940
Glover  Davis to Church  348
Houston  Hillcrest to League (Delayed to 2023)  4800
Commercial Serv.  various repair  442
Como  College to RR  3317
Dabbs  Gilmer to Davis  401
Drexel  Broadway to Mockingbird  1441
Fisher  Spence to Lee  1500
Ardis  Spence to Beckham  1880
Azalea  Hillcrest to Main  3648
Bonner  Church to Davis  539
Brinker  Beasley to dead-end  2629
California  Church to Seventh  1520
Charles  College to Lakeshore  998
Lee (2021)  Davis to Broadway  1901
League (2021)  Bellview to Pampa  3131
Total Linear Feet 37,884 
Total Miles  7.18
Total Cost  $ 2,012,318.00 
Street Maintenance Fee Cost Estimate  $ 1,072,668.00 
Estimated Street Maintenance Fee Funds Available (Fund Balance Plus  Budgeted Revenue)  $ 1,049,101.81 
Red Text indicates streets paid for by the Street Maintenance Fee. All other streets are paid for by a  transfer from General Fund to Capital Fund.

Elsewhere around the city, employees: 

  • Conducted 51 building inspections, 22 electrical inspections, 17 plumbing  inspections and 3 mechanical inspections. 
  • Issued 17 building permits and 93 trade permits. 
  • Responded to 232 fire/rescue calls including 3 structure fires and 1 vehicle fire. Performed 10 fire inspections.  
  • Performed preventative maintenance on 65 fire hydrants. 
  • Pressure washed sidewalks downtown. 
  • Prepared downtown flower beds for spring flowers. 
  • Removed damaged trees from city parks. 
  • Prepared the Grays building for 15 rentals. 
  • Prepared sports fields for youth sports. 
  • Patched 425 potholes. 
  • Made 18 extensive street repairs following utility repairs (City and Atmos) Responded to 213 animal control calls while achieving a 75% adoption rate. Made 4 felony arrests in the Special Crimes Unit. 
  • Responded to 31 accidents, recorded 63 offences, wrote 502 traffic citations and  made 61 arrests in the patrol division. 
  • Sold 3,831 gallons of AvGas and 12,005 gallons of JetA fuel. 
  • Accommodated 1,605 operations (takeoffs or landings) at the airport. Continued upgrading lights around the city to LED. 
  • Replaced 1000-watt bulbs at Buford Park ball fields. 
  • Performed preventative maintenance on several items at the water treatment pant  and the wastewater treatment plant. 
  • Treated wastewater effluent to a daily average suspended solids reading of 0.65  mg/L, about 1/20th of our limit. 
  • Repaired 1 water break. 
  • Replaced 51 water meters. 
  • Unstopped 35 sewer mains. 
  • Flushed 40 dead-end water mains. 
  • Checked out 3,166 items from the library plus 755 eBooks.