A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held on Monday, April 8, 2019.
No one requested to address the Board.
Clay Johnson was recognized for his service to the school board.
Joe Boedigheimer gave a presentation of “Student Voice at SSMS”.
Carmen Hammack presented a report on district math programs and Karen Phillips gave an overview of district science programs.
Robbin Vaughn, Board President, gave a required report on board member training credit.
Kristin Monk and Josh Williams gave updates of elementary and secondary campuses and programs.
The following Head Start items were presented to the Board for informational purposes only: Head Start Director’s Report for March
Becky Justice presented required Head Start training on the Roles & Responsibilities of the Governing Body to board members.
Along with routine matters, the following were approved:
Quarterly Investment Report for the three months ended February 28, 2019.
Instructional Materials Allotment TEKS Certification Form for 2019-2020.
2019-2020 4-5 Grade ELAR Instructional Materials Adoption – Fountas & Pinnell Classroom- Fountas & Pinnell Literacy
2019-2020 Middle School ELAR Instruction Materials Adoption – 6th Grade: Fountas & Pinnell Classroom – Fountas & Pinnell Literacy; 6th Grade: Teachers’ College Reading & Writing Project: Units of Study, Writing; 7th/8th Grade: Teachers’ College Reading & Writing Project: Units of Study, Reading and Writing.
3-Year lease of 1,400 laptops for High School.
Resolution 2-19: Extending Depository Contract for Funds of Sulphur Springs ISD with City National Bank.
Tax overpayment refund to BEF Foods, Inc.
2019-2020 professional employment contracts (teachers, counselors, librarians, nurses)
Ashley Cannon Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Douglass ECLC
Carrie Cherney Gr 1 SpEd Teacher Barbara Bush Primary
Nicole Olson Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Bush Primary
Johanna Vasquez Campus Secretary Barbara Bush Primary
Maria Rivera Bilingual SpEd Teacher Travis Primary
New Personnel
Kristin McKinney Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Bush Primary
Cindy Gallo Kindergarten Teacher Travis Primary
Kay Garrett Gr 7 Science Teacher Middle School
Terri McCoy Gr 6 Science Teacher Middle School
Janelsa Orozco SpEd Teacher Middle School
Amy Pinnell Librarian Middle School
Carol Cowley Counselor High School
Brenda Perez SpEd Aide High School
Personnel Changes New Position/Campus Former Position/Campus
Adrienne Lilley Library Aide/Middle School Library Aide/Bowie Primary