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North Lamar ISD Announces District Teachers Of The Year

Superintendent Kelli Stewart, Brandi Peel (HS) Chris Smith (MS), Aimee Cobey, (Parker), Becky London (Higgins), Amelia Brown (Bailey), Stephanie Bishop (Everett), and Eric Roddy, Farmer State Bank Representative


North Lamar Independent School District proudly announces the recipients of the prestigious District Teacher of the Year awards. Amelia Brown, Bailey Intermediate 5th-grade math teacher, and Chris Smith, Frank Stone Middle School math teacher and coach, were honored during a special ceremony held on Monday night, May 13, 2024. The evening began with a dinner attended by nominees from each campus and their guests before the official proceedings began with the North Lamar School Board. As the meeting commenced, all nominees were acknowledged for their outstanding educational contributions, demonstrating excellence and dedication in their respective roles.

Chris Smith and Amelia Brown, North Lamar ISD District Teacher of the Year

Amelia Brown and Chris Smith were announced as the distinguished winners of the District Teacher of the Year awards, a testament to their exceptional achievements. In honor of their outstanding contributions, both recipients were presented with a North Lamar jacket and a generous monetary award of $500, sponsored by Farmers State Bank. Additionally, the remaining four nominees (Becky London, Aimee Cobey, Stephanie Bishop, and Brandi Peel) were also recognized for their exceptional work in the field of education, each receiving a commendable $200 from Farmers State Bank as a token of appreciation for their dedication and hard work.