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Crockett Intermediate Student Council Participate In Socktober

Pictured left to right: Crockett Student Council Members Will Foreman, Jer’Kedian Brooks, Anna Echols, Georgia Gibbs, Addy Welch, Anniston Bray, Teacher Kim Smith, Penelope Mathieu, Kane French


The Crockett Intermediate School Student Council members are setting an exemplary standard by participating in Socktober, a month-long community sock drive. By collecting 959 pairs of socks, these students make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need. They will distribute these socks to various charities in the community, including Paris ISD Care Closets, Safe-T Paris Outreach, and Horizon House Transitional Shelter.

The act of donating socks to those in need may seem small, but it can make a significant impact on a person’s life. Socks are a basic necessity that we often take for granted. However, for those who are homeless or impoverished, a clean pair of socks can provide warmth, comfort, and protection. By participating in Socktober, the Crocket Intermediate School Student Council members are providing an essential item to those in need and showing that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference.