On Tuesday, 7/7/2020, Lamar County received notice of an additional ten COVID-19 cases. Tomorrow’s update will include their ages and gender.
There are 13 Total COVID-19 related deaths with nine associated with Paris Healthcare Center, one with Stillhouse, and three are unrelated deaths.
Lamar County has 347 confirmed COVID-19 cases with seven travel-related and 340 community spread.
As of Tuesday, 222 positives have recovered and there are 112 active COVID-19 cases.
The graph below will be updated to reflect the 10 for today in tomorrow’s report.
Age 0-9: 2 males, 1 female
Age 10-19: 5 males, 10 females
Age 20-29: 28 males, 47 females
Age 30-39: 27 males, 33 females
Age 40-49: 12 males, 29 females
Age 50-59: 28 males, 27 females
Age 60-69: 23 males, 24 females
Age 70-79: 10 males, 19 females
Age 80 +: 6 males, 6 females