Tuesday, an officer attempted to stop a vehicle for expired registration in the 200 block of S Church St. The driver refused to stop and led the officer on a short pursuit to a residence in the 500 block of E. Price St. The officer arrested the driver, Christina Ruth Hostetler, 45, and charged her with Evading Arrest in a Vehicle, a Felony, and Expired Motor Vehicle Registration.
Officers arrested Justin Michael King, 28, Tuesday after he stole three packages of brownies from a business in the 2000 block of Bonham St. The incident reportedly happened around 7:30. He was recognized on video by the officer working the crime. King admitted to the Theft and, in fact, still had chocolate from the brownies at the corners of his mouth. King had two prior convictions for Theft under $2,500.00. They enhanced the charge for Theft with two prior convictions, a felony, and arrested without incident.
On Tuesday, officers responded to the 1300 block of Clarksville regarding a theft. They met management, who advised that Darnell Mayfield, 64, had been apprehended in the store for attempting to steal some steaks. Store personnel had recovered the steaks, but Mayfield was still on the scene. Officers contacted Mayfield and discovered he had outstanding misdemeanor warrants from the Paris Municipal Court. They searched Mayfield and found several disposable lighters in their original packaging. Mayfield denied the Theft of the lighters, but officers contacted store personnel, who provided a video of Mayfield stealing the lighters from the store. Mayfield also had two previous convictions for Theft. He was charged with Theft under $2,500.00 with two prior convictions, a felony, and transferred without incident.
Officers arrested Michael George Pullins, 52, on Tuesday at his residence on an outstanding warrant for Burglary of Building. This arrest resulted from a November 2023 incident in which someone burglarized storage facilities in the 500 block of Evergreen St. and took bicycles. The investigating Detective located the bicycles at Pullin’s residence and recovered them. They arrested Pullins without incident.
Tuesday, officers stopped a vehicle for expired registration in the 1700 block of Lamar Avenue. They found the driver and a passenger, Xavier Charles Richardson, 30. Lamar County wanted Richardson on a Bond Surrender warrant. During a search of his person, Richardson had possession of Cocaine, Methamphetamine, and a handgun. He was charged with Possession of a Controlled Substance as well as Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon and transported without incident.
Officers arrested Anthony Dewon Roberson, 44, at the Parole Office for a Motion to Revoke a Warrant on an Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child Incident.
The owner reported a vehicle burglary Tuesday in the 4200 block of Castlegate Dr. Suspects entered a vehicle and stole a handgun and a laptop computer. Items were in a backpack in the victim’s vehicle.
Officers made 25 traffic stops, arrested 11 adults, and answered 109 calls for service ending Tuesday, May 21.