A regular meeting of the Sulphur Springs ISD school board was held in the Board Room of the Administration Building, Monday, October 21, 2019.
No one requested to address the Board.
Bowie Primary 3rd grade students and staff gave a demonstration of “Room Transformations” in math and reading classes.
SSISD counselors were introduced and presented a PowerPoint on “What Does a Counselor Do?”
“Community in Schools” social workers were introduced and gave a brief overview of their new role in the district.
A report was given of Red Ribbon Week activities. Red Ribbon Week will be observed in SSISD the week of October 28 – November 1.
Kristin Monk and Josh Williams gave updates on Elementary and Secondary programs and activities.
Angela Edwards and Sherry Sinclair presented required Head Start training to the Board.
Supt. Lamb updated the Board on current board goals.
Board members were provided with copies of the following Head Start items for informational purposes:
- Director’s Report for August/September
- Policy Council Minutes for September
Along with routine matters, the board approved the following:
Head Start Policy Council Bylaws.
Head Start Mission Statement and Statement of Philosophy.
Robbin Vaughn as school board representative to the Head Start Policy Council.
Lamar Primary Targeted Improvement Plan.
Campus and District Improvements Plans for 2019-2020.
Board Briefs
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Kelley Perry Payroll Coordinator Administration
Troy Emerson Auto Tech Teacher-High School
Ruston Pennington Math/Robotics Teacher-High School
New personnel
Jennifer Seely SpEd Aide Barbara Bush Primary
Linda Crouch Campus Secretary Lamar Primary
Christina Burns SpEd Aide SS Elementary
The board discussed potential community participants for strategic planning purposes.