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TxDOT Urges You To End The Streak


Nov. 7, 2000, was the last deathless day on Texas roadways.

AUSTIN – It was late in the afternoon when Isaac Simmons got the call: a vehicle broke down along a stretch of I-45 in Fairfield, and Simmons, a 35-year-old tow truck driver, headed out to help.

While winching the car onto his tow truck, the routine stop suddenly became horrific. A speeding car careened off the road, rolled up the tow truck’s sliding bed, and flew through the air. The airborne vehicle slammed into Simmons. Two days later, he died, making him one of more than 3,200 people killed on Texas roads so far in 2021.

“He was one of the best men I’ve ever known. He always wanted to make everybody smile,” said Nathan Bryant, a fellow tow truck driver who considered Simmons a brother. “Sometimes it can be a little dicey out there because nobody moves over, nobody slows down. They don’t care about human life on the side of the road.”

On Nov. 7, Texas marks 21 years of daily deaths on state roadways, with more than 75,000 innocent lives lost to preventable fatal crashes. For the past several years, about ten people have died every day in vehicle crashes in the state. During the height of the pandemic, when traffic dropped nearly 50 percent, the death rate climbed to more than 11 a day, shocking state transportation leaders.

Texas Transportation Commissioner Laura Ryan, a champion for road safety and TxDOT’s #EndTheStreakTX campaign, said every Texan must do their part. And while the goal of ending the deadly streak is ambitious, Ryan said, it is far from impossible.

“We stick with it. We keep telling the story. We fight back when people say personal responsibility is not a thing. It is. And we don’t give up,” Ryan said. “I am hopeful that it will happen sooner than later, but I am confident that it will happen.”

Most crashes and fatalities are preventable and caused by speeding, drunk driving, and distracted driving. That’s why the approach to reaching zero deaths must be through what TxDOT calls the 3 E’s – engineering, education, and enforcement. That way, everyone has a responsibility to keep our roads and fellow drivers safe.

Because #EndTheStreakTX is a grassroots word-of-mouth and social media effort, we ask Texans to do any or all the following to help raise awareness:   

  • Make the best and safest decisions behind the wheel and encourage others to do the same.
  • Post pictures on social media with this downloadable sign displaying the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX.
  • Share personal stories on social media of loved ones who have been lost in a crash and use the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX.
  • Follow @txdot social media pages and share posted content.